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In 2016, 10 million people, or a little less than 4% of Americans, reported being victims of nonconsensual pornography. 5 A larger 2019 study suggests the problem has only grown, showing a 400% increase in the number of victims from 2016. 6 Experts note that nonconsensual pornography should be viewed through the lens of larger trends of sexual a…
Key Points. • Psychology research characterizes nonconsensual pornography (NCP) as a form of gender-based sexual violence. • NCP’s harms to victims can be serious and long-last-ing, including psychological, physical, economic, and social harms.
Problematic pornography use (PPU) is a complex and growing area of research. However, knowledge of the PPU lived experience is limited. To address this gap, we conducted an online qualitative …
Nonconsensual pornography is an umbrella term used to describe any explicit sexual images or video clips distributed without the knowledge or consent of the people in them. There are several…
A comprehensive systematic literature search was conducted in 4 electronic databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, CINAHL plus, and Cochrane library) with appropriate MeSH terms “sexual health” and “pornography” and Boolean operators “AND” and “OR,” using SPIDER search strategy tools (sample, phenomenon of interest, design, evaluation, and research type). 11 articles were proceeded …
In this study emerged that, of the 159 individuals who reported having perpetrated non–consensual pornography by sharing sexually-explicit images of another person without his/her consent (5.2% of the entire sample, 159/3,044), the most commonly chosen reason for perpetration was just to share “with friends” without the intention “to hurt …
1 Introduction. Non–consensual pornography is the hideous crime of sharing sexually graphic photos or videos without the consent of the individual portrayed in them [ 28 ]. The abuse is in constant growth and recently fuelled by the increased use of social media during the pandemic [ 61 ].
Summarizing the associations between pornography use and possible problematic and non-problematic outcomes among adolescents reveals that pornography use is not reliably linked with mental health problems.
Sociology. 2017 Oct; 51 (5): 975–991. Published online 2016 Feb 23. doi: 10.1177/0038038516629909. PMCID: PMC5603964. PMID: 28989197. Enjoyment, Exploration and Education: Understanding the Consumption of Pornography among Young Men with Non–Exclusive Sexual Orientations. Mark McCormack and Liam Wignall.
Article 159. A person who produces, displays, presents, broadcasts, distributes, sells, rents or otherwise circulates a pornographic material, shall be punished by deprivation of liberty of up to one year and a fine of BGN one thousand (1,000) to
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